プリトビツェ湖群国立公園からザグレブへのバスチケット bus ticket from Plitvice Lakes National Park to Zagreb
autotrans https://www.autotrans.hr/hr-hr/naslovna で、
出発地 : Plitvička jezera (プリトビツェ湖群国立公園)、
目的地 : zagreb
ひとり86KN (1376円 割引、手数料含む)As it is crowded in August, I bought tickets to avoid miss the bus on the way back.
I saw on the internet that autopromet's bus was safe because it was designated as a seat.
autotrans https://www.autotrans.hr/hr-hr/naslovna,
Place of departure: Plitvička jezera (Plitvice Lakes National Park),
Destination: zagreb
I Searched. I chose the second bus from the end. e - tickets arrived by e - mail.
86KN (including discount, commission)
ザダルからプリトビツェ湖群国立公園へのバス bus from Zadar to Plitvice Lakes National Park
9:00 ザダル Zadar →
11:20 プリトビツェ湖群国立公園 エントランス2
Plitvice Lakes National Park Entrance2(バス bus 2h20)
Plitvice Lakes National Park Entrance2(バス bus 2h20)
On the way, there was a break at this restaurant.
プリトビツェ湖群国立公園 エントランス2 Plitvice Lakes National Park Entrance 2
When We arrived at the entrance 2 and got off the bus, there was a guiding person, and he said leave your baggage over there, there was a ticket office over there crossing the bridge. Following that, we first left our luggage.
A person in this hut gave a key and we places our baggage in a brown container,
and we came back to give back the key here.
We put our baggages in this container.
Just to be sure, we bound the baggage to the shelf with a keyed wire.
There seem to be about three ticket offices.
There were many long lines. Now, I should have bought tickets here..
When we got back around the bus stop and cross the bridge and walked,,
12:00 公園入口のチケット売り場、まさかの大行列!!
12:00 Ticket office at the entrance 2 of the park, there were a great long line! !
we waited for 1 hour 20 minutes here! !
Lunch with the bread I bought during that time.
プリトビツェ湖群国立公園 公園入口 ST2 Plitvice Lakes National Park Park Entrance ST2
13:20 ST2の入口です。やっと公園に入ります。
13:20 It is entrance of ST2. Finally we entered the park.
P1。水がきれい!Water is beautiful!
14:00 ボートでP1→P2へ渡ります。ここで40分待ちました。。
14:00 We crossed from P1 to P2 by boat. We waited here for 40 minutes. .
We thought to see Lower Lake after P2, from the top lake a little,
Since I have no time, I decided to watch only Lower Lake.
14:25 P2→P3へ。また、ボートに乗ります。ここで25分待ち。。
14:25 From P2 to P3. We waited a boat for 25 minutes here again. .
14:25 From P2 to P3. We waited a boat for 25 minutes here again. .
ボート内。On the boat from P2 to P3.
14:45 P3に着くと、そこは大きな休憩所になっていました。トイレに入りました。
14:45 we arrived at P3. it was a big resting place. I went to the toilet.
From here we started walking toward ST1. There is not time to get to the bus!
We walked along the beautiful lake.
水色がきれいです。amaging water color..
The water is transparent and the fishes can be seen well.
小さな滝がありました。There was a small waterfall.
小さな滝。small waterfall.
水面がキラキラしています。The surface of the water is sparkling.
湖に沿って歩きます。walked along the lake.
We have no time, so did not enter in the Supljara cave.
There was a way to go to the Veliki Falls, but we have no time so cut it!
We hurried to ST1.
There is a viewing spot on the way to ST1. I wanted to go to the waterfall . .
展望スポット viewing spot
展望スポット viewing spot
展望スポット viewing spot
16:20 ST1に到着。
16:35 バスでST1→ST2へ。結構早くから、適当なところでバスを待っていたのですが、このバスは電車のように長いのですが、運悪く座れませんでした。。
17:00 ST2に着いて、荷物を拾う。
17:18 バス発車予定時刻
17:45 バスが30分遅れて来た。ザグレブへ出発。バスは座席指定かと思ったら、席は決まってませんでした。
20:10 ザグレブ到着
16:20 arrived at ST1.
16:35 We went from ST1 to ST2 by bus. We waited for the bus at the proper place from early time, this bus was as long as a train, but we could not sit unfortunately.
17:00 After arriving at ST2, pick up the luggage.
17:18 Scheduled departure time of bus
17:45 The bus came 30 minutes late. We went to Zagreb. I thought that the bus was designated as a seat, but the seat was not decided.
20:10 Arrived at Zagreb

This time course. It was on a website as a course to avoid congestion. it said a boat ride from P3 wait for two hours, so we went on this course going backwards, but when I arrived at P3, it was not so crowded. So, surprisingly, maybe we could have gone the B course below?
公式サイトに載っているBコース。B course on the official website.
11:20に、バスでプリトビツェ湖群国立公園 に着きましたが、荷物を預けたり、チケットを買うのに時間がかかり、歩き始めたのが13:20でした。上湖もヴェリキ滝もみたいなら、もっと早い時間に来ることをおすすめします!
At 11:20, We reached Plitvice Lakes National Park by bus, but it took time to leave our luggages and buy tickets and started walking at 13:20. If you would like to see the upper lake and Veliki falls, we recommend you to arrive earlier!