【UAE アラブ首長国連邦】ドバイモール THE DUBAI MALL、バージュカリファ Burj Kkalifa、ドバイファウンテン Dubai Fountain


It is hotter than I thought when I went to Dubai, and it is hard for me to walk in such a place. . Initially I wanted to go to Old Souk, but there was no time and it was only tour of Dubai Mall. I went to the Dubai Mall by hotel's free shuttle bus.

ドバイモール、世界一の超高層ビル バージュカリファ THE DUBAI MALL, The world's tallest skyscraper BURJ KHALIFA

ドバイモール入ってすぐのところに、計画中の超高層ビル THE TOWERの模型がありました。もう基礎工事中なのか、そのような動画が流れていました。
Immediately after entering Dubai Mall there was a model of the planned skyscraper THE TOWER. It is already under construction work, such a moving picture was flowing.

We did not enter the aquarium, but we can see a big aquarium from the outside. The curved monitor on the top is huge!

We walked in the huge shopping mall. Where can we see Burj Khalifa? ! 

APPLE store. From the terrace we could see Burj Khalifa!

You can see also the shopping mall opposite the Dubai Mall, Souk Al Bahar. We went outside and crossed this bridge and went around the entrance of Souk Al Bahar.

そこから見ると、、 From there,

世界一の超高層ビル バージュカリファ、バッチリ見えます!!!
You can see perfectly Burj Khalifa in the world's tallest skyscraper ! ! !

世界最大の噴水 ドバイファウンテン World's largest fountain DUBAI FOUNTAIN
Go into Souk Al Bahar and go straight for a while, there is a passage of the crossroads.At the end that turn right, you can see the Burj Khalifa and the Dubai fountain well with the panorama. There is a bench and it is a great spot!

世界最大の噴水ドバイファウンテンと世界一の超高層ビル バージュハリファ
World's largest fountain Dubai Fountain and the world's tallest skyscraper Burj Khalifa

We tried going to see the fountain at night again, we thought that it will start from just 30 minutes, we went ahead and two minutes ago, it started already. . You had better go and stay there from 5 minutes ago.


Quite big 2F food court. What shall we eat? First of all, is Arab food good?

PARS Express ここで、カバーブを食べました。
PARS Express I ate the kabāb here.

カバーブ kabāb 40DHディルハム(1200円)

ミントレモネード mint lemonade 20DHディルハム(600円)

次は、JONNY ROCKETSでハンバーガー。
next, hamburger at JONNY ROCETS.

THE ORIGINALバーガー 、オニオンリング。
THE ORIGINAL,and onion ring.

night Dubai fountain and Burj Khalifa

On the way back from Dubai Mall we went back to the hotel from the nearest Dubai Mall Metro station. We can go to the station without going out from Dubai Mall, but there are long moving walkway and it is far away! long! we walked about 15 minutes. tired~.
