I went to two restaurants in Dubrovnik recommended by local people.
魚のプレートがすごいボリューム!ツナのステーキがレアで美味しい。イカが柔らかくて、うまいっ!エビ、白身魚、ムール貝、いんげんのソテー。この一皿でかなり満腹です。あとlady pi-piサラダ、飲み物、パン。グリルが結構塩が効いてたのと、サラダのチーズがしょっぱかったです。でも、美味しかった!
Volume of fish plate is amazing! Tuna steak is rare and delicious. Squid is soft and tasty! Shrimp, white fish, mussels, inlaid saute. I am quite satisfied with this one dish. Also lady pi-pi salad, drink, bread. The grill was salty and the salad cheese was salty too. But they are delicious!
Terrace seat. While watching the yacht, there was live music, atmosphere was good.
I went to two restaurants in Dubrovnik recommended by local people.
Lady Pi-Pi レディピピ
予約できないLady Pi-Piに行きました。20:00頃から30分程待って入店。
We went to Lady Pi-Pi which people can not reserve. we entered after waiting around 30minutes from 20:00.
There is no roof, the vine of grapes is entangled and it has a nice atmosphere. In the back, shop staff is cooking with charcoal.
Grill meat and fish with charcoal fire. Good taste ~ ♫
魚グリルプレート2人前 Fish grill plate 2 servings 340KN (5440円)
魚のプレートがすごいボリューム!ツナのステーキがレアで美味しい。イカが柔らかくて、うまいっ!エビ、白身魚、ムール貝、いんげんのソテー。この一皿でかなり満腹です。あとlady pi-piサラダ、飲み物、パン。グリルが結構塩が効いてたのと、サラダのチーズがしょっぱかったです。でも、美味しかった!
Volume of fish plate is amazing! Tuna steak is rare and delicious. Squid is soft and tasty! Shrimp, white fish, mussels, inlaid saute. I am quite satisfied with this one dish. Also lady pi-pi salad, drink, bread. The grill was salty and the salad cheese was salty too. But they are delicious!
翌日のディナーは、ドゥブロヴニク旧市街 ピレ門前からバスに乗って、ORSANに行きました。2aか6番のバスで、LAPADSKA OBALA4 で降りて、100mほど歩くと着きました。バスに乗っていると、バスが今どこなのかわかりにくい。アナウンスないし、バス停にもどこに名前があるのか?車掌さんに聞いて、降りました。
The next day 's dinner, we went to ORSAN by taking a bus from the front of the Old Town of Dubrovnik Pile gate. We got off at LAPADSKA OBALA 4 by bus 2a or 6 and walked 100m. When we were on the bus, it was hard to know where the bus is now. Where is the announcement or where is the bus stop name? We asked to the conductor and got off.
ドゥブロヴニク バス 時刻表 Dubrovnik city bus time table
ORSAN entrance 入口
Terrace seat. While watching the yacht, there was live music, atmosphere was good.
お通し ツナのパテ Compulsory Appetizers Petit tuna putty
Riblja plitica ORSAN 前菜魚盛り Appetizer fish plate120KN (1920円)
The day before was grill, so we wanted to eat raw fish. Really refreshing and tasty.
Ražnjići od kozica sa žara エビのグリル grilled shurimp120KN (1920円)
I ate everything from head to tail.
I ate everything from head to tail.
Stonske Kamenice 牡蠣 oyster 12KN (190円)×2= 24KN (390円) 小さかったなぁ。。
they were small..
Domaca riblja juha 魚のスープ fish soup 50KN (800円)
Dubrovacka rozata プリン pudding 30KN (480円)
Rozata was a normal pudding..
ORSANにも2人前の魚グリルプレートがあったので、それを食べてみたかったなぁ〜。Lady Pi-Pi とどっちが美味しいかなぁ〜?
ORSAN also had fish grill plate for two. I wanted to try it. Which is delicious, Lady Pi - Pi or ORSAN?
帰りは、行きに降りたバス停の近くの店の人に聞いたら、あっちで乗るといいよ、と教えてもらい、丸いロータリーまで歩き、行きとは違うバス停から6番のバスに乗って、旧市街 ピレ門前に戻りました。↓地図にバス停の印しました。
On the way to hotel, when asked to the shop staff near the bus stop, he told me walk to round roundabout, take a No. 6 bus from a bus stop different from the way to go, then you came back to Dubrovnik pile gate.
↓ I marked the bus stop on the Google map.