【クロアチア CROATIA】ドゥブロヴニク Dubrovnik - 青空市場 open-air market、スルジ山ケーブルカー mount surj cable car、バニェビーチ Banje beach
青空市場 open-air market
スルジ山ケーブルカー mount surj cable car
旧市街、ブジャ門から外に出ると、すぐにケーブルカーのチケット売り場があります。ドゥブロヴニクカードでの割引はありませんでした。140KN (2240円)。When you go outside from the old city, Budja Gate, there is a ticket office of cable car soon. There was no discount at Dubrovnik card. 140KN (2240 yen).
Line up in the 8:50 cable car. A cable car appeared about every five minutes, waited about 20 minutes, and got on.
View from the cable car. The old city of Dubrovnik surrounded by the wall is beautiful.
上からの眺め View from the top of mount surj
The cafe at the top, there is no good seat, so we gave up.
上でのんびり過ごしてから、11:30 ケーブルカーを降りました。
I got off the 11:30 cable car after leisurely leaning on.
バニェビーチで海水浴 Swimming in the Banje Beach
ロクルム島に行きたかったけれど、時間がないので諦め、ランチを食べてから、13:00 バニェビーチに行きました。ブジャ門を出て、東に道なりに行くと、Banje Beach の看板があります。階段を降りて行くと、ビーチに出ます。I wanted to go to Lokrum Island, but we do not have time, we gave up. After we ate lunch, we went to Banje Beach at 13:00. Leave the Buza Gate and go along a road to the east, there is a sign of Banje Beach. we went down the stairs and went out to the beach.
The Croatian beach has many rocky places, but here is a sandy beach!
The water was also high in transparency and beautiful light blue! Lokrum Island is over there.
海水浴後のアイス10KN (160円) がうま〜!
Ice cream after swimming 10KN (160 yen) good!