【メキシコ MEXICO】CMでおなじみピンクの建築!ルイス・バラガンのサン・クリストバル厩舎 Luis Barragan's Cuadro San Cristobal、ベベデロ噴水 Los Bebederos Park、28番の住宅 House No. 28、ロス・アマンテスの噴水 Fuente de Los Amantes、サテリテタワー Torres de Satelite
After climbing the pyramid with Teotihuacan, we visited Luis Barragan's architecture. We took Uber, and went to Bebederos Park.
we walked and went to Cuadro San Cristobal.there is a gate,and we are asked "do you have a reservation?" and we said "no..but could you show me a while?" then the gatekeeper said "just a bit" and opened the gate.
わ〜〜〜❣️ しばらくすると、水がザーッと出てきました。壁の色と花の色が響きあって、素敵な空間です❣️
entering the entrance, the man said ”I water the fountain," then water come out. wow!! The color of the wall and the color of the flower echoed and it is a nice space!!
After climbing the pyramid with Teotihuacan, we visited Luis Barragan's architecture. We took Uber, and went to Bebederos Park.
ベベデロ噴水 Los Bebederos Park
we went to Los Bebederos Park after going to piramides of Teotihuacán. there is a large white wall in the front. there is no water in the fountain,but I wonder if the horse used to drink water and took a walk here in the past.

There is a waterway like Cuadro San Cristobal.I would like to see the scenery where the water is filled.

we went to Los Bebederos Park after going to piramides of Teotihuacán. there is a large white wall in the front. there is no water in the fountain,but I wonder if the horse used to drink water and took a walk here in the past.

There is a waterway like Cuadro San Cristobal.I would like to see the scenery where the water is filled.

バラガンの像がある。there is s statue of Barragan.
ベベデロ公園の動画 movie of Los Bebederos Park
ルイス・バラガン設計のベベデロ噴水の場所は、Los Bebederos ParkとGoogleMapsで検索すると出てくる。
Just around the point of Los Bebederos Park, there is house No.28, this is also Barragan designed.Uber's driver said.Luckily, when the person of the house was climbing the roof, we waved our hands, saying "Excuse me!", then he came down and showed us the garden.
The location of the Luis Barragan designedLo Bebederos Park comes out when you search with "Los Bebederos Park" on Google Maps.
28番の住宅 House No. 28
Just around the point of Los Bebederos Park, there is house No.28, this is also Barragan designed.Uber's driver said.Luckily, when the person of the house was climbing the roof, we waved our hands, saying "Excuse me!", then he came down and showed us the garden.
we walked and went to Cuadro San Cristobal.there is a gate,and we are asked "do you have a reservation?" and we said "no..but could you show me a while?" then the gatekeeper said "just a bit" and opened the gate.
Turn right and after a while you will see a fountain of Los Amantes on your left.
After walking for a while, an old man on a bicycle guided us to Cuadro San Cristobal.After a while walking, there is an entrance on the left.a man who managed this place was waiting there.
「予約はないけれど、中を見せていただけないですか?」と聞くと、「問題ないけど、5人だと(?)MX$1500 (9000円)かかる。」と言われました。「んー、、NO MONEY..」と答えると、「時間も遅いし、1人MX$300 (1800円)でどうですか?」と言われ、それで手を打ちました。ラッキー♫😊
we asked "we don't have a reservaion,but could you show us?" then he said "it's no problem,but it costs MX$1500 for 5person." we said "hmm..no money.." then he said "it's late,so how about MX$300 per person?" so we said "OK!".lucky!!
we asked "we don't have a reservaion,but could you show us?" then he said "it's no problem,but it costs MX$1500 for 5person." we said "hmm..no money.." then he said "it's late,so how about MX$300 per person?" so we said "OK!".lucky!!
わ〜〜〜❣️ しばらくすると、水がザーッと出てきました。壁の色と花の色が響きあって、素敵な空間です❣️
entering the entrance, the man said ”I water the fountain," then water come out. wow!! The color of the wall and the color of the flower echoed and it is a nice space!!
サテリテ・タワー Torres de Satelite
when I returned to Mexico City by Uber From Cuadro San Cristobal,I saw Torres de Satelitein the car.
when I returned to Mexico City by Uber From Cuadro San Cristobal,I saw Torres de Satelitein the car.
this book is nice.From the famous building of Barragan to the unknown house, there is a map, a picture, an address.
this book is nice.From the famous building of Barragan to the unknown house, there is a map, a picture, an address.