地下鉄C線ヴィシェフラド Vyšehrad から歩いて行ったのですが、そこは高台になっており、聖ペトロ聖パウロ教会のあたりから、階段を下って川のある地上レベルまで降りないといけません。けっこう迷ってしまったので、分かりやすい行き方としては、トラムでVýtoňまで行くのがよいと思います。
the most nearest station to the Villa Kovarobic is Výtoň station of tram. if you go from Vyšehrad station of subway C line, Vyšehrad is height, so you have to go down stairs to ground level.
when you get off a tram at Výtoň station,you can find brown bridge as below picture. pls go under the bridge, then you can see "Villa Kovarobic".
there seems to be advertising agency here ,and it's personal space, I asked the people who were at the garden, and took pictures of the appearance and the garden.

from Villa Kovarobic, if you go along the railway at elevated position, you can find "Hodek Apartment House" at the second corner right side. There was a restaurant on the first floor and I ate lunch for commemoration.
if you go southword from the brown bridge along the river, there is "Multiple Residential Building on Nekranova Street".
the picture view is from the gate of the Villa Kovarobic. if you go along the rail that is continued to the brown bridge, and go rightward of the picture, you can find "Hodek Apartment House" at 2nd corner of right side.
より大きな地図で ccc's favorite place を表示
czech cubism 3buildings
そこからトラム17or21を北上して、Jiráskovo náměstíで降りると、すぐにミルニッチとフランク・ゲーリー作の"dancing house"があります。けっこう近いです。このように行けば効率よかったなぁ、と思い出しながら書いているので、間違ってたらごめんなさい。:P
if you take a tram No.17 or No.21,and get off Jiráskovo náměstí station,there is Dansing House that is designed by Vlado Milunić and Frank O.Gehry.
より大きな地図で ccc's favorite place を表示
dansing house
プラハの地下鉄、トラムの地図はこちら ⇒ PRAGUE MAP metro & trams
the most nearest station to the Villa Kovarobic is Výtoň station of tram. if you go from Vyšehrad station of subway C line, Vyšehrad is height, so you have to go down stairs to ground level.
Villa Kovarobic / 128 00 Praha 2-Vyšehrad / archtect:Josef CHOCHOL
when you get off a tram at Výtoň station,you can find brown bridge as below picture. pls go under the bridge, then you can see "Villa Kovarobic".
there seems to be advertising agency here ,and it's personal space, I asked the people who were at the garden, and took pictures of the appearance and the garden.
Hodek Apartment House / 128 00 Praha 2-Vyšehrad / archtect:Josef CHOCHOL
from Villa Kovarobic, if you go along the railway at elevated position, you can find "Hodek Apartment House" at the second corner right side. There was a restaurant on the first floor and I ate lunch for commemoration.
if you go southword from the brown bridge along the river, there is "Multiple Residential Building on Nekranova Street".
the picture view is from the gate of the Villa Kovarobic. if you go along the rail that is continued to the brown bridge, and go rightward of the picture, you can find "Hodek Apartment House" at 2nd corner of right side.
より大きな地図で ccc's favorite place を表示
czech cubism 3buildings
そこからトラム17or21を北上して、Jiráskovo náměstíで降りると、すぐにミルニッチとフランク・ゲーリー作の"dancing house"があります。けっこう近いです。このように行けば効率よかったなぁ、と思い出しながら書いているので、間違ってたらごめんなさい。:P
if you take a tram No.17 or No.21,and get off Jiráskovo náměstí station,there is Dansing House that is designed by Vlado Milunić and Frank O.Gehry.
より大きな地図で ccc's favorite place を表示
dansing house
プラハの地下鉄、トラムの地図はこちら ⇒ PRAGUE MAP metro & trams